When performing the Predictive Index behavioral test, also known as the PI Behavioural Assessmentin addition to a complete and unique report for each person, you also get a more generic reference profile that associates you with a personality type at work. Companies use it to find the right candidates to fill each role in their processes.

A benchmark profile includes the characteristics and strengths that make each person better suited to perform one job or another within each work environment. In total, there are 17 PI reference profiles, which are classified into 4 major groups: analytical profiles, social profiles, stability profiles and persistence profiles.

Analytical profiles

Analytical profiles are ideal for roles that require critical thinking and follow reasoning to solve problems. For this reason, it is common to find these profiles in auditors, engineers, financiers, software developers, data analysts, etc.


The analyzer is characterized by being meticulous in his work. He always applies logic and tends to be reserved. All this, together with his iron discipline, makes some people identify him as a profile very focused on the resolution of tasks, but not so much in the personal treatment.


The "controller" is disciplined, but also stands out for his speed in executing tasks. They are capable of working without a structured procedure, regulating themselves. He prefers dynamism and variety of tasks, and is sincere, objective and cautious.


The profile of the specialist is that of a worker who is extremely precise in his work. They take their tasks seriously and are efficient in what they do. They are obedient and can achieve high degrees of expertise in their area of work due to their discipline. They tend to be risk averse.


The strategist is a person with a great vision of the future who makes decisions with the company in mind. This profile tends to be imaginative and introspective. A strategist always maintains a high level of quality in his work without losing sight of the speed with which he executes it.


The adventurer is the most independent profile within analytics, making him the perfect profile to lead teams. The adventurer is ambitious, confident in their work and passionate about what they do. 

Social Profiles

These profiles stand out for their ability to connect with people and foster collaboration in a workspace. Their role is key in building fruitful personal relationships in a team.


The altruist seeks to create positive connections and help others. This profile is excellent for fostering collaboration and well-being in work teams. It is usually a profile with good communication skills, attentive and empathetic.


Captains are charismatic leaders who inspire and motivate their teams. Their main objective is to achieve ambitious goals through the efficient management of the people in their charge. They tend to have a strong ability to influence others, are quick to work and do not like routine or overly structured work processes.


They enjoy working as part of a team and contributing to the success of the group. They are excellent mediators in problem solving, and excel in roles where personal relationships are key. They tend to be patient and kind, always willing to listen to new points of view.


Non-conformist profiles are very imaginative and innovative, and are able to adapt to all kinds of situations. Non-conformists perform well under pressure and their direct and decisive style makes them in high demand in areas of responsibility.


Persuaders have a knack for influencing others. This profile is essential in sales and negotiation roles, where communication skills are critical. A persuasive profile is, by nature, self-confident and able to make decisions independently but also to delegate to others when necessary.


The promoter harnesses his or her energy as a unique power to motivate others. He or she is outgoing and open, and tends to place greater importance on capturing people's attention than on factual, data-driven communication. A promoter is always cheerful and positive at all times.

Stability profiles

These profiles stand out for their consistency and their adherence to established protocols and processes. They are essential to maintain the organizational processes of any company.


The craftsman is methodical and focused on producing high quality results. This profile excels in roles that require precision and great dedication. Generally, a craftsman prefers to listen rather than talk, and excels in reliability on the job.


Guardians are protective by nature, so they are responsible for ensuring compliance with the processes. They are methodical, demanding and obedient. They also enjoy doing a good job for their company and their team, and are comfortable performing routine tasks.


The manager stands out for his ability to maintain his concentration on a task for a long period of time. This patience in carrying out a task is highly valued, as well as their great capacity to listen. Managers are methodical and precise.


Situational profiles stand out for their incredible adaptability. They are like chameleons, adapting to the diverse needs within a team or project. Their versatility makes them highly valued.

Persistence profiles

These profiles stand out for their commitment and dedication at work and are essential to achieve long-term goals within an organization.


The persistent person is highly independent and persistent in what he does. He tends to have great self-confidence, so he does not let himself be carried away by criticism or his own failures. They have the ability to take risks when necessary and generally prefer to work without haste.


The studious person is serious, reserved and introspective. They are noted for their methodical and precise work, and tend to be very organized in what they do. In general, a studious person will like to have enough time to perform their tasks, but also stands out for their autonomy.
Do you want to try Predictive Index for free for your company? At Prímula Asesores you can request a PI test totally free of charge. This way you will know firsthand how PI works and how it can help you make your organization more productive and efficient.